Calcium channel blockers are a broad category of prescription medications used for their ability to help with cardiovascular disease. And they do help people, however, like every medication, there is a risk to benefit ratio that you should consider before just popping the pills with complete trust as many consumers do.

Calcium channel blockers or CCBs are given to people to help with high blood pressure (hypertension) as well as cardiac arrhythmias and chest pain, termed “angina.” If you have these symptoms, scroll below for some natural remedies that support heart health.

Typical side effects of CCBs include low blood pressure, lightheadedness, drowsiness, constipation, dry mouth from poor saliva production, ankle edema and reflux. As for the neuropsychiatric side effects including suicidal ideation – these are commonly associated with certain antihypertensives – but I would say that the CCB category is not one to worry about. In fact, it could help with bipolar and acute mania, so sometimes it is prescribed for these conditions. However, there is dark side to using antihypertensives which is why I have always recommend natural vitamins, or herbal remedies, weight management and exercise to improve blood pressure numbers. The dark side is the development of DNA damage which could raise one’s risk for cancer.

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Not every study finds a correlation so do not panic and go off your medication unless you and your physician agree, and you have a new strategy to control your blood pressure. Also, not every drug in the CCB class of medications carries risk. Most importantly, not all of the CCBs are associated with cancer. So if you are worried about a particular medication you take, please speak to your physician and look online for studies at Pubmed or PLOS One. Obviously, not all data points to a correlation between CCBs and cancer, especially breast cancer.

You may be wondering how it is even possible. It’s because the calcium channel blocker drugs do just that! They block the channel where your calcium is entering the cell. It blocks the flow of calcium into the cell, but then again, your cells depend on calcium for good health so what happens long term?

The medication sits in the doorway to your cell like a pit bull, thus blocking the channel completely off from calcium (but it’s a temporary effect until the drug levels decline again). In effect, the CCBs are blocking the cell (and the human body) from utilizing calcium for various metabolic processes, for a short period of time while you’re taking the medication.

Something else of interest is gadolinium, a popular contrast dye injected into some people receiving MRI scans. These drugs have morphed over the years, but the early ones can cause harm to sensitive people and are thought to stay in the brain. Gadolinium-based contrast dyes act like calcium channel blockers and have a widespread impact on the body causing neurological difficulties in some people.

At first, symptoms like chest pain will improve, and systolic and diastolic numbers improve, but over time these drugs damage the calcium channels. Calcium makes your muscles contract, and in essence, makes your heart beat too. Your heart is a well-oiled machine, it is a muscle that never stops, working 24/7 for you!
Blocking the flow of calcium throughout the human body could be viewed as dangerous since calcium is essential life. The Wall Street Journal once reported that people who took CCBs had a much higher risk of heart attack. Again, this is because calcium is needed for muscles and the heart is considered a muscle.

As for the cancer risk associated with some CCBs, to initiate cancer, several things need to happen. When the drug binds to the calcium channel, it breaks the gap proteins which causes the cell to be unable to communicate with other cells. As this falters, the cancer cells grow out of control because they don’t know when to stop proliferating. So they keep growing. Other things do this such as pesticides, for example. Without the proper signaling to “stop dividing now” the cells grow wildly. Calcium is needed inside the cell to keep the loud-speaker going so that cells can communicate and send chemical signals that say “stop dividing now.”


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It’s summer and people that I know are still battling some type of anxiety, whether it’s from travel stress, flying, the idea of the delta strain, or something stressful going on with your family. Whatever it is, there are some natural ways to conquer anxiety and boost mood.

First off, do not feel alone, millions of people are anxious over something. I’ll tell you one of my issues, it’s driving on big highways with other cars, and I assume that when they fly past me, they are texting. In fact I assume pretty much everyone is distracted except for me and so I usually GPS the slower roads! I have been this way for years, and there’s no amount of lavender that helps me! But for other anxieties, there is help and today’s article will lend insight into some natural remedies.

Here are some symptoms of anxiety, which you may relate to, depending on the day, and the severity of your condition: Sweaty palms, rapid heartbeat, a feeling of impending doom, trembling or shaking, dry mouth, GI symptoms, and inability to think of anything else other than the perceived danger at hand. Some people also experience chronic anxiety that impacts their sleep and leads to insomnia. Furthermore, hypertension, gastric ulcers and depression are also associated with prolonged anxiety. Finding the root cause, or the root person that causes your anxiety is key to getting well, and for most people suffering with chronic anxiety, it may be time for a major lifestyle change or job transition, or perhaps a divorce so you can regain control of your life.

For some simple anxiety-producing situations, natural remedies may offer you some degree of temporary peace of mind, or contentment. But if it is serious, you must see a qualified specialist.

My remedies and ideas are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes, so please run everything by your doctor. In no particular order:

Vitamin B1: Thiamine or B1 helps you produce and release serotonin and norepinephrine which reduce mental fatigue and improve physical energy. These are considered mood boosting neurotransmitters. If you like to drink wine, you are sure to be deficient in this nutrient and therefore more prone to anxiety. Alcohol is a strong drug mugger of B1. [I have a graphic for this]

Vitamin B2: Riboflavin or B2 helps your adrenal glands which secrete DHEA and cortisol, and these hormones must remain in proper homeostasis in order for you to cope. If you’re coping abilities are kind of shot, I highly recommend the DUTCH test, which you can do at home.

Vitamin C: Without vitamin C, you can’t synthesize norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. The body needs vitamin C to keep your arteries and blood vessels elastic and bendy so they don’t crack or leak. Deficiencies of C correlates with heart disease and high cholesterol. As a side note, vitamin C is required for adequate collagen, which is a youth-promoting hormone.

Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine or B6 helps you manufacture brain chemicals that are “happy” such as serotonin and high blood pressure others. At this point, you may be getting the sense that a high-quality B complex vitamin supplement would be useful. If you do take that, take it in the morning because it is energy-producing. In addition to the B’s there are other minerals and herbs that could help you.

Folate: This is another B vitamin (B9) It raises dopamine. Folic acid is NOT the same.

Folate is a naturally occurring B vitamin that is the biologically active form of folic acid. It’s the body-ready form. There is a prescription version of folate that is available called Deplin as well as the regular B vitamin at health food stores.

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Probiotics: The friendly gut bugs help you activate thyroid hormone, which is a happy brain chemical, and a natural antidepressant in your body. For that matter, thyroid hormone has been proven in some studies to work better than classic prescribed antidepressants in some people!
If for some reason, you don’t want to take a thyroid supplement, you can try probiotics which convert a small percentage of inactive thyroid hormone to active. We know that a reduction in probiotics can indirectly cause profound anxiety and depression, through various different mechanisms including the thyroid connection.

Zinc: This mineral has a very calming effect on the body, perhaps it helps with the COMT gene that some people have and it is relaxing to most people.

Exercise: Few things work better than a run, or a trip to the gym. Physical activity is known to raise dopamine immediately.

Bath with Magnesium: Sometimes Epsom salts are useful and immediately relaxing because the magnesium is transdermally absorbed. Magnesium is known as one of the body’s relaxation chemicals. This mineral is powerful when it comes to mood enhancement, as it helps the body manufacture brain neurotransmitters. It works as a natural sedative and helps the brain calm down from stress and stimulation. Researchers have found that magnesium deficiency is associated with poor self-control, panic, reduced attention span, hyperactivity, and agitation.

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The L-threonate form of magnesium is thought to be the most brain-friendly of all the salts.

Herbs: There are many herbs that can help you if you like herbal teas, or herbal supplements. Among the best are chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, ashwagandha, catnip and valerian.

Let’s talk about medications for a moment. It’s always a shock to people to learn that some medications can agitate a person, for example, estrogen-containing pills, or even acid blockers due to the depletion or “drug mugging” of various nutrients including B vitamins, magnesium and zinc.

Conventional medical wisdom has programmed us to believe that sedatives, and addictive medications are the answer to anxiety, but that’s not necessary for everyone. Just always know that research is evolving and balancing hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, neurotransmitters and thyroid hormone are all crucial to your ultimate healing. While meds work for a short period of time, they may numb you also, and thus delay you from doing what you ultimately need to do.For the long haul, and the best outcome, I suggest you dig deep and determine the root cause for chronic anxiety and then address your hormone status with some good lab tests. In the meantime, if your situation is mild and intermittent, trying some of the nutrients above will be helpful.

Drug Muggers Linked to Mood Instability

Antacids sold over-the-counter like calcium carbonate

Acid blockers, including PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) like omeprazole

Antidepressants as the peaks and troughs occur with dosing

Breathing medications, such as fluticasone and others

Estrogen-containing medicines like menopause medications/oral contraceptives

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